dimanche 16 juin 2013

The first  real zombie

The science fiction dreamed about it, you dreamed about it, the Americans made him(it)! They managed to develop a cell(unit) died always in function(office) … You said zombie? We explain you all this … It is about a world premiere, the researchers do not still mean there having made a success of their experience(experiment) and what the results(profits) surpass what they had imagined:

Dead cell(unit) showed itself more successful than when it was alive, we imagine the worst … The scientists of the National Laboratory of Sandia and the University of the New Mexico resorted(turned) to an original technique. They coated cells(units) of mammals with a solution of silica to train(form) a kind of permeable armor plating around the protein of the living cell, and allow so the researchers to confront the cell(unit) with temperatures and inconceivable pressures for a living cell. Warmed in 400°C,The cell(unit) evaporates literally and leaves in the silica a three-dimensional retort(replica) of the mineralized structures and the complex features of the body living that it was with an almost atomic precision, while protecting the spiral of the cellular DNA. Strangely, the died cell(unit) remains capable of making some of its former(old) functions(offices). Sometimes, she(it) makes a success of them even better than during sound living thanks to the properties of silica which allow him(her) to resist temperatures and pressures which she would never have been able to endure for example. The researcher Bryan Kaehr declares moreover:" Our cells(units) zombies throw(cast) a bridge(deck) between the chemistry and the biology by creating cells(units) which, not only are as alike as two peas in a pod to themselves but are also capable of working relentlessly "

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